Trading The Micros To Keep Me In The Game

Trading The Micros To Keep Me In The Game

If you want to know more about the GameStop short squeeze, head over to The Squeeze, it is a free email newsletter on stocks that may be about to move.

Life has been busy and I have not had time to trade OR write about trading. What I have been doing is trading the Micros to stay in the game while not risking much. The micros are a smaller version of the emini contracts. So instead of being $12.50 a tick, they are $1.25 a tick. And the commissions, as a percentage, are higher, which is no Bueno. If you read my previous blog post about coming back after vacation, where my trading skills decline when I am away from the screen, you know that coming back for me is not easy and I usually take a loss the first few days back.

Either treat the market with respect or the market will teach you to respect her.

     Life for me is too hectic for me to trade regularly, so I am trading when I can in the morning session. I am not trading a full session, but I am trading when I can. I will jump on and off as life dictates. I record the day on video so that I can see what I did or would have done if I had been in front of the screen. You may think, I could look at the chart at the end of the day and see what happened. I could, but I would be missing a lot of information that you see when the bar is forming. What is happing on the price ladder and what is happening at different price levels.

    I am a scalper after all. I think of scalping almost as juggling with knives, impressive, but one mistake can be very painful. My style is not something I would wish on anyone. I think it is the hardest, most unforgiving way to trade. It is also the way that suits my personality, even though I don’t think I am a masochist. To that end, by protecting my hands from flying knives while I am scalping, by posting, hopefully, others can learn from my mistakes ( or lack of mistakes ).

Disclaimer: You can lose a lot of money trading, Trading is not a game, either treat the market with respect or the market will teach you to respect her.